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Visual Basic .Net introduction
Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
It's a bullet point ! Introduction to Visual Studio .NET languages
It's a bullet point ! Standard project types
It's a bullet point ! Environment options
It's a bullet point ! Creating Windows GUI applications
It's a bullet point ! The build process
It's a bullet point ! The common Language Runtime (CRL)
It's a bullet point ! Compiling, running and saving your projects
It's a bullet point ! Application distribution and deployment
Adding Forms and Controls
It's a bullet point ! Form characteristics
It's a bullet point ! Adding forms to your project
It's a bullet point ! Using properties to refine the interface
It's a bullet point ! Inserting event procedures
It's a bullet point ! Populating forms with controls
It's a bullet point ! Setting control characteristics
It's a bullet point ! Text box, label and list box controls
It's a bullet point ! Creating push buttons and check boxes
It's a bullet point ! Grouping radio buttons with panels an group boxes
Language Fundamentals
It's a bullet point ! Declaring variables
It's a bullet point ! Controlling execution sequence with conditional logic
It's a bullet point ! Branching instructions
It's a bullet point ! Repeating code sequence with loops
It's a bullet point ! Increasing modularity with subroutines and functions
It's a bullet point ! Passing parameters
It's a bullet point ! Choosing data types
It's a bullet point ! Scooping variables
It's a bullet point ! Defining constants
It's a bullet point ! Creating arrays
It's a bullet point ! Performing calculations with expressions and arithmetic operators
It's a bullet point ! Testing results with relational and logical Expressions
It's a bullet point ! Assignment statements
It's a bullet point ! Commenting code effectively
Building a Professional GUI
It's a bullet point ! Resizing panes with splitter control
It's a bullet point ! Designing menus
It's a bullet point ! Pop-in context menus
It's a bullet point ! Adding toolbars
It's a bullet point ! The design and layout of dialog boxes
It's a bullet point ! Built-in and common dialogue boxes
It's a bullet point ! Building and showing custom dialog Boxes
It's a bullet point ! Exchanging data with the parent form
It's a bullet point ! Displaying tabular data with a list view
It's a bullet point ! Organising dialogs with tab control
Object-oriented Programming
It's a bullet point ! Adding properties and methods
It's a bullet point ! Debugging and defensive programming
It's a bullet point ! Comparing collections to arrays
It's a bullet point ! Types of errors
It's a bullet point ! Catching exceptions
It's a bullet point ! Object-oriented design in .NET
It's a bullet point ! The relationship between classes and objects
It's a bullet point ! Employing inheritance it reuse base classes
It's a bullet point ! Protecting private data with property procedures
It's a bullet point ! Instantiating objects
It's a bullet point ! Building custom classes
Accessing Data with ADO.NET
It's a bullet point ! Raising exceptions
It's a bullet point ! Working with the File object
It's a bullet point ! Reading and writing streams
It's a bullet point ! The ADO.NET object model
It's a bullet point ! The data binding model
It's a bullet point ! Connecting to a database server
It's a bullet point ! Interacting with data using forms and Data Grid control
It's a bullet point ! The connection-oriented Connection/Command model
It's a bullet point ! Exception-handling syntax
It's a bullet point ! Catching and decoding custom exceptions
duration: 4 days
price: click here
Microsoft Access